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島根県津和野町木部地区。町はかつて鉱山業による賑わいをみせた時代があった。昭和中期まで麓の「長野劇場」では映画上映と大衆演劇が。群がる大人と子供たちは時代と共に薄れゆき芸術は遠ざかった。古びれた劇場が今も佇む町。そんな田舎町で育った作家志望の少年「文」たちと急きょ交わる事となった旅芸人たちは宴を始めー。刺激は芸術心への芽吹きとなるか、 エンターテイメントとはー。そんな夏の一ページ。

Shimane Prefecture, Kibe district, Tsuwano Town, JAPAN.

Kibe once enjoyed a prosperous period thanks to the mining industry. Until the 1960s, the Nagano Theater in this mining town would show movies and popular theater performances. With time, the crowds of adults and children withdrew and the arts faded away, leaving the old theater to rust behind.

One day in this country town, Bun, a local boy aspiring to be a writer, meets a group of traveling entertainers... Stimulated by their presence, what will become of his creative spirit? What is entertainment? 

Here is their story together during a fraction of a summer season.



Until the 1960s, there used to be a theater on my family’s property. Although there were only mountains and rice paddies in the surrounding area, Kibe was a very busy town before the Second World War and a constant flux of people came and went. The town prospered enormously thanks to the nearby Sasatani Copper Mine. 

Today, the town has become depopulated and thus with the declining birthrate, the local schools have closed down. 

As a result, the familiar art scenes of the past, as well as the children's exposure to the Arts, are close to non-existent and are now alien to the locals of today.

Having grown up watching comedies of Chaplin and Fred Astaire, among many others, I often ask myself how the heart and pulse of entertainment can grow in this desolate country town. 

Set against the backdrop of the rise and fall of a rural town and its past of cultural and artistic prosperity, this poignant film is one that is both heartwarming and melancholic. The film uses an actual theater and an abandoned school. 

Working in the Arts and Performance scenes myself, this film tells the story of my own upbringing and the children's swaying hearts and creative minds, combined with the historical evolution of Kibe. 

I truly hope you enjoy this Summer story merging Culture and Arts.

Director Sola Kuwabara


It was demolished around 1975, but restored as a theater lounge named “Waltz-Za” in the Summer of 2022.
Situated in the countryside, concerts, film festivals and workshops are held there, as well as a Café space available



田中 文  桑原 宙

野地優心 有田果琳

糸賀盛人 松浦秀信 竹下 強
千端将揮 森本貴満 田中海太郎
田中美礼 石田 茜 岡崎イヨ

■撮影:桑原 宙 千端将揮
■監督助手:千端将揮 いしださなぎ
■脚本・編集・音楽:桑原 宙
■美術・装飾・衣装:桑原 宙 いしださなぎ
■写真提供:桑原史成 桑原史成写真美術館
■現場スタッフ:田中海太郎 野地扶実子 有田和将

桑原 宙

